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Ben Russell

Next up at Lost Language is the highly talented, Swiss fellow Ben Russell.

His Fatar is a debut release for us and it's a cracker. Chunky, muscular grooves and darting-synths are the order for the day, all tied up with big room Progressive trance grooves. The original even features its own 'hands in the air' Born-slippy moment. For the remix action we head of to Tehran for newcomer Amir Farhoodi and masterful and accomplished progressive re-work. Surely a name we will be hearing a lot more of in the future.

Written and Produced by Ben Russell.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2010 Lost Language

1. Fatar Buy Track ( 0.75)
2. Fatar [Amir Farhoodi Remix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
Buy All Tracks ( 1.42)